Our Girls

Our Girls

Argos Time Two Shine "Bertie"

Argos Time Two Shine "Bertie" TK1 CGCA

CH Starrise N Powderhorn Not My First Rodeo X Can GCH, Am BIS Puppy Goodlife's Driving Miss Daisy "Piper"

Goodlife's Driving Miss Daisy "Piper"

Can GCH, Am BIS Puppy
Goodlife's Driving Miss Daisy "Piper" TKI CGCU CGCA CCA BISS

MBOSS GCHS, Can GCH Goodlife's Duff The Magic Dragon X Goodlife's How Deep Is Your Love?

Powderhorn Run For The Roses "Tilly"

Powderhorn Run For The Roses "Tilly" BISS TK1 CGC DJ

Multi BISS GCHS Passion N Powderhorn Only Game In Town X Powderhorn Won't Back Down

UKC CH Argos My Bonney Lies Over the Ocean "Scotland"

UKC CH Argos My Bonney Lies Over the Ocean "Scotland"

MBISS GCHS MBISS GCHS Goldrox Take 'Em To The Train Station SDHF BISS X Can GCH, Am BIS Puppy Goodlife's Driving Miss Daisy "Piper"